Become a Peer Educator


What is a Counseling Outreach Peer Educator?

Do you want to promote education and awareness about mental health and common college student stressors? Become a COPE Peer Educator! You will benefit from receiving training and mentoring from Counseling Center Clinicians in topics related to personal and professional growth. At the Counseling Center, we believe students are the experts on what other students want to learn! As a member of COPE you attend weekly meetings to plan and executive program initiatives that YOU choose. As a Peer Educator, you will gain valuable leadership experience while making a difference in your community.

How to apply to become a COPE Peer Educator?

The current application for COPE membership will open on Friday, September 27, 2024, and close on Friday, October 18 at 11:59 p.m. We will also be hosting optional information sessions. These sessions will be held virtually. The date/time and Zoom link will be available on our Instagram (@cope_umiami) or by email request (

Submit your application here: Apply.

Meet the COPE Executive Board!

Amanda Sale

Position: Chair   
Major: Psychology
Why did you join COPE?
My passion for mental health awareness led me to join COPE, and it has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. It has proven to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my college career. From the moment I became a member during my freshman year, COPE has transformed my college experience in ways I never imagined. Through COPE, I have not only deepened my understanding of mental health advocacy but also built meaningful relationships that I will value for a lifetime. Being part of a team committed to raising awareness across campus is truly a privilege. I’m incredibly proud and excited to serve as COPE Chair this year, and I cannot wait to see all the amazing things we’ll accomplish together!

Anisah Steele

Position: Vice Chair
Major: Psychology
Why did you join COPE? 
College can be a time when past traumas resurface or new ones occur. Being part of an organization like COPE allows me to provide support and resources to help students acknowledge and work through their traumas in a supportive environment.

Amara Igwilo

Position: Public Relations Chair
Major: Marine Science and Biology
Why did you join COPE?
I joined COPE to connect with students that look like me on issues that are often pushed under the rug. During my first semester on campus, I realized how quickly I underestimated how this new environment would transform me and my past approaches as a woman of color and I honestly wasn’t ready for such a change. But after finding COPE and people that accepted the countless changes and challenges that arise when perfecting one’s mental health, I realized that there was no other place for me to flourish mentally, emotionally, and physically. It made it a pretty obvious choice to apply!

Lauren Dziedzic

Position: Internal Relations Chair
Major: Business Management and Psychology     
Why did you join COPE?
I joined COPE because mental health advocacy is a huge passion of mine. When I came to college, I knew I wanted to find a group where I can make a difference on campus. I love getting to table for COPE and host workshops where I can connect with peers face-to-face. I believe it’s crucial for students to advocate that it’s okay not to be okay and help end the stigma surrounding mental health. I’ve met many other peer educators who share this passion, and I’m grateful to be a part of COPE.

Keira Hamilton

Position: Professional Development Chair
Major: Community and Applied Psychological Studies and Psychology
Why did you join COPE?
I joined COPE because I wanted to spread awareness of various mental health issues as well as learn how to effectively educate myself and others on how to become healthier individuals both mentally and physically.

Kelci Grooms

Position: Communications Chair
Major: Psychology
Why did you join COPE? 
I joined COPE because spreading awareness about mental health is something I have always been passionate about. I wanted to be a part of a group that works to end the stigma around talking about your struggles and asking for help when you need it. As an advocate in COPE, I hope I can help to create a supportive and safe space for all students, one that is inclusive of all identities and backgrounds and acknowledges how these differences can shape one's journey with mental health. COPE has shaped me into the person I am today by providing a welcoming and supportive environment where I felt I could truly express myself. It has been an honor to work with a team that is so committed to our goals, and I cannot wait to see what the year has in store!

Emily Lavin

Position: Outreach Programming Chair
Major: Biochemistry and Nutrition with a minor in Psychology
Why did you join COPE? 
I wanted to find a campus group that shares my passion for mental health awareness, as I aspire to become a psychiatrist and continue educating others. I absolutely love the culture COPE promotes and it excites me to contribute as a leader, creating a more positive and inclusive community.

Andrea Acuna

Position: Outreach Programming Chair
Major: Psychology with minors in Marketing and Criminology
Why did you join COPE? 
I wanted to make a difference by helping destigmatize mental health issues on campus and share my passion for it with others.

Ashley Fanning

Position: Outreach Programming Chair
Major: Meteorology
Why did you join COPE? 
I joined COPE to help foster a supportive and comforting environment on campus, as well as use my passion for mental health. I wanted to learn and grow as an individual by hearing others’ experiences and widening my community. College can be so challenging and confusing for many people, as I have experienced. Even if I can help just one person, then I am happy. Joining the COPE family was the best decision I ever made, and I am so grateful to be surrounded by like-minded, empathetic, and hard-working people!

Hope Matthis

Position: Recruitment Chair
Major: Community and Applied Psychological Studies
Why did you join COPE? 
I joined COPE because of my passion for mental health advocacy, but I fell in love and truly committed to COPE after meeting some of the most genuine and kind-hearted people who share my passion for promoting well-being. It is such a close-knit community and I love what COPE, and everyone within it, stands for.
